Let's tell stories.
Matthew cooper
Let's tell stories.
Family album
Family Reunion 1985
85 Pets Chalk and Fun
85 Halloween
1985 Christmas
Kimberly Song
Tawnie 1985
HCA Graduation 1985
Nathan Bday 1985
Cousins 1985
GoCarts 89
Fluffy the Pirate
87 Christmas
88 Easter with Billy goat
88 Colorado trip and Christmas
88 July - Sept Bdays and Shenanigans
88 Baptism and Picnic
88 Christmas
Christmas 1989
HCA Christmas 1989
1990 Kimberly Bday
89 Yellowstone Trip
1989 Girls Chior
90 Puppies and more
90 Matt B day
90 Christmas
93 Nate and Matt Bday
93 Christmas and Snake Skin
93 Boys Roughousing
93 Paintball School
95 Arkansas Trip
95 puppies and more
Taylors 7th Birthday
95 Christmas Kim Bday and go cart fun
97 San Diego with Rex
Nathan Morning Skit